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Need support with Charitylog?
If your issue is urgent please call our in-house support team during office hours on 0333 222 5957.
Help manual
There's a help manual for each screen of your CRM - just click the question mark next to your profile name (top-right of your Charitylog screen). From here you can also access the full online help area, with how-to videos and more.
In-house support team
During office hours we also provide a dedicated, in-house customer support team.
Tel: 0333 222 5957 (Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm)
Still on our basic Starter package? Telephone support is available at an extra cost, but email support is free.
Email support (for non-urgent issues)
Email us at support@charitylog.co.uk and we will normally get back to you within 2-3 days. Please include as much detail as possible.
Training and reviews
We offer full and half-day training courses, refreshers and intensive 1:1 review sessions. Visit our page on training and reviews to find out more.

Charitylog One, Plus and Ultimate
Comprehensive online instruction manual
Wealth of How-To videos
Telephone Support included:
0333 222 5957 (Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm)
Email Support included: support@charitylog.co.uk

Comprehensive online instruction manual
Wealth of How-To videos
Email Support included: support@charitylog.co.uk
Telephone Support: available at an extra cost