Unlimited user accounts
Unlike most providers, we don't charge for every user, giving affordable access for both staff and volunteers.
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All users in Charitylog have to belong to a 'user group'. You can have multiple user groups and in Plus and Ultimate, these are unlimited in number and under your control. In Starter and Charitylog One, we preset them for you.
The user group controls which pages a user can see, which they can edit or add new records to and, if relevant, whether they are allowed to delete data or not.
Typically there will be a System Administrator group which is allowed to see everything and then other groups with fewer access rights, down to the likes of volunteers and external workers who can have very limited views of the system.
There are other additional security and visibility options with the system, for example restriction by project or by the type of work undertaken. You can also restrict users to see only the clients they are working with - typically a counsellor or case worker.
Unlike most providers, we don't charge for every user, giving affordable access for both staff and volunteers.
All data is hosted using secure, highly reputable Data Centres in the UK.
Use 2FA for an extra level of security.
Separate training and test (sandbox) systems without affecting your live data.
Keep on top of GDPR compliance with configurable consent options, including expiry notifications.
Manage 'forget me' requests easily.
Easily provide personal information upon request.
Users only see the fields that are relevant to the work they are doing.