Key Performance Indicators
Extensive numerical analysis of your performance.
*** Charitylog users: the brand new February software update is on your test system now! Visit the Updates page in your system manual for more details ***
Charitylog provides a number of standard reports, both summary and detailed.
One of the major benefits of Charitylog is the ability to produce data required by funders. Typically this data can change both between contracts and over time, hence why we encourage the use of 'Projects' to differentiate and improve reporting.
There are also the Key Performance Indicators which are basically a huge set of queries which have been written for you - no need to write your own queries for reporting.
Standard reports include:-
Summary activity and breakdowns by a variety of criteria such as age bands, ethnic groups etc
Action Lists of outstanding actions against staff
Clients on Waiting Lists
Outcome Reports
Volunteer assignments
Project time and cost summaries
Attendances at Groups.
For more detailed reporting, there is an export procedure which can be used to create Excel spreadsheets, from which further analysis and charting can be done very simply.
Charitylog will hold details of many clients, volunteers, external organisation and so on. You can use the Data Extraction options to set various criteria and extract all the relevant records along with the items of data you are interested in.
Similarly you can use these options to identify records which have not been fully completed (although there are methods to enforce minimum data entry).
Typically the data is exported into Excel from where further analysis, presentation or mail-merging can take place.
Extensive numerical analysis of your performance.
Enhance your view of data with charts and graphs in a dashboard.
Check service intervals and case milestones.
Categorise referrals, contacts and outcomes.
Populate pre-built spreadsheets to provide reports to funders with less hassle.