*** Charitylog users: the brand new February software update is on your test system now! Visit the Updates page in your system manual for more details ***

Letters and emails

Communications and mail merge

There is a built-in mail merge facility which allows you to create standard letters, emails or texts. The relevant data can be merged in, giving personalised documents and emails. 

These can be produced for individual people or for groups of people selected by various criteria.

There are three main ways in which people can be chosen as recipients of the mail merge-

  • You can send an individual person a mail merged letter, email or text*.

  • You can select a number of people based on the characteristics of the person, e.g. their age band, the district they live in etc.

  • You can run a report or KPIs and then send letters or emails to those people selected in the report. For example, you may want to send a follow up letter to everyone who has had their benefits case closed in the last six months, or everyone who has attended one of your activities. 

Note that the consent rules relating to receiving various communications will be applied to help with your GDPR compliance. 

These mail-merge selections can be saved and run as often as required.

* When sending texts you need a subscription to TextAnywhere to send the texts to a mobile phone.

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