*** Charitylog users: the brand new February software update is on your test system now! Visit the Updates page in your system manual for more details ***

Document storage

Upload documents, images and video

Scanned documents, spreadsheets, images and even small videos can be uploaded to Charitylog, making such information more widely available across your organisation, as well as keeping them more securely.

The uploaded documents can be associated with specific referrals and downloaded from the History page.

User and/or Group-level security can be applied to each document to ensure that confidential documents are visible only to those staff nominated to see them. It is also possible to store your internal documents and policies etc in an area reserved for use by internal staff.

You can create links to documents stored in Sharepoint if you prefer to keep all your documents there.

Other Features

Assessment IconPeople & Services

The core of a charity is built around the people it works with and the services it provides. Keep it all in one place in Charitylog.