Helping Springfield Mind to bring data together and improve reporting.
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Springfield Mind is a successful charity founded 33 years ago to promote mental wellbeing in South Warwickshire and Wychavon. In 2016 the organisation decided to use the Charitylog cloud-based CRM in order to improve their service levels and increase their productivity. The Warwickshire based charity now successfully use Charitylog to manage all their wellbeing and outreach services.

In January 2016, in response to the increasing demands being placed on their service, Springfield Mind decided that they needed to procure a specialist cloud-based CRM that would enable them to improve the management of their client relationships and provide them with the data reports that they needed to satisfy commissioner requirements.

After evaluating which system best met their requirements, they chose Charitylog. The new CRM has proven a big success, resulting in improved service delivery and successful bids for important contracts.

Mental Health Support


As is the case with many local charities, funding is the biggest challenge to Springfield Mind, not just in terms of the charity's own funding, but also in terms of the funding constraints for the NHS and the subsequent impact this has on local Minds.

Financial constraints mean that statutory services like the NHS have an expectation that Local Minds will pick up many of their cases without any additional funding. As a result there has been a much greater demand placed on Springfield Mind in recent years.

The need for a CRM

Prior to the implementation of a CRM, Springfield Mind practitioners had to make up their own separate spreadsheets for collecting and storing data. This was complemented by masses of paper based records in filing cabinets filled to the hilt. Such a system was clearly inadequate for managing the detailed case histories of clients across multiple services.

Given the confidential nature of the charity's services, it was also felt that the organisation needed a cloud-based computerised system that would offer greater data security.

The other key driver was the need for a CRM capable of meeting Springfield Mind's reporting needs. This requirement was becoming increasingly important as NHS trusts were beginning to ask for more data from charities and so there was a need to produce KPI reports in order to get access to funding.

"Charitylog has given us the secure platform we needed to store our confidential data and manage our local services. Moreover it's enabled us to significantly raise our performance."

Maria Fennell, Chief Executive

Springfield Mind

"The support from Charitylog is first class. If I ever need a new bespoke report and I'm not sure how to produce it, I know I can phone up the support desk and they will make up the report that we need."

Chris Last, Finance and Systems Officer

Springfield Mind

The Charitylog solution

All services offered by Springfield Mind are now managed through Charitylog. The Charitylog CRM is also used to record mental wellbeing scores against a standard scale. Crucially, the system has proven simple and easy to use and as a result has been embraced by all members of staff.

Charitylog has transformed the way staff and volunteers work. All contacts with clients are recorded and integrated into a single database. Authorised staff now have access to a fully relational case management system that brings together all case histories, contact notes and scheduled action points for each client.

Staff can now record how much time they spend on the phone talking to individual clients and now have 24/7 access to clients' case notes via the secure cloud. These advances have enabled the charity to offer a more client-centred service.

The other major benefit from Charitylog has been the reporting capability. Charitylog is being used to create essential reports that previously would have required hours of management time to produce. This has proved particularly beneficial when reports are needed to support tender bids or for satisfying commissioner contract requirements.

The Springfield Mind management are delighted with Charitylog, they believe the service has helped their organisation raise their level of performance to the point where they are now being talked about as a professional alternative to statutory services.

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