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Community First's Amanda Wright talks about how Charitylog helps them stay organised and run the reports they need.
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Community First provides support and advice to community groups and organisations through a range of programmes. They also connect communities with central government funding initiatives.

Was it easy to get started with Charitylog?

Yes. What’s brilliant is that, because we can set it up ourselves, and have the content that we need embedded into it, it’s bespoke to us and it works for what we want, rather than us having to squeeze and pull out things that aren’t quite recorded in the right way to have to report on.

And now that we’ve got it set up I’m more than happy with the way that it’s working.

What do you mainly use Charitylog for?

I usually work on Charitylog from the provider side – linking in with our partners, commissioning courses with them, making sure we’ve got any evaluations that we need from them, and various ad hoc interactions with them. Now all of that’s recorded in one place.

How has Charitylog made a difference for your organisation?

I’ve worked for the organisation for a number of years and had to report to different funding organisations on the work we’ve been doing. Because of all the various projects we’ve been involved with, and the different aspects of the work, I had to pull all that information from various different spreadsheets and record it in different ways – which was really time consuming. Now that we have Charitylog everything goes into one single place, and we can pull off all the reports that we need. It makes life a lot easier!

Would you recommend Charitylog?

Yes, I would. It’s much more flexible than I imagined it would be. And one of the things that’s really important to us as a voluntary sector organisation is that it demonstrates to funding bodies that we have a secure and reliable database.

"Charitylog demonstrates to funding bodies that we have a secure and reliable database, which is really important to us as a voluntary sector organisation."

Amanda Wright, Programme Manager, Health and Wellbeing

Community First, Herefordshire and Worcestershire

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